How to do Half Wheel Pose in Yoga
Backbends are an excellent way to open up the heart center and chest. The Half Wheel Pose, called Setu Bandha Sarvangasana in Sanskrit, stretches the spine, back of the neck and shoulders. It is a pose that builds strength and flexibility for the Full Wheel pose and energizes the body and mind.
Lay flat on your back with arms along your sides and palms facing down.
Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor. Slightly turn your heels out in line with the edge of the mat. Walk your feet comfortably close to your sitting bones.
Keeping your thighs parallel, press your feet and hands firmly to the ground and lift your hips.
Clasp your hands together below your pelvis and extend through your arms. Rock from side to side and pull your shoulder blades closer together. Slightly shrug your shoulders to release any tension.
Stay here for as long as you can, at least five deep breaths. Continue to lift the hips with each inhale.
Gently drop your hips back to the ground. Hug your knees into your chest to release your lower back.
Repeat as much as you like.
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