Straight Angle Pose

How to Do Yoga Lateral Angle Pose

The yoga lateral angle pose is a wonderful posture especially for those that find the triangle pose to be too deep of a stretch. Like triangle pose, lateral angle pose can help to stretch the inner thighs while opening the chest and shoulders. The lateral angle pose is gentle on the body because it positions the forearm on the thigh. You can still experience a deep stretch without compromising your posture or placing unnecessary strain on the back or hips. Practicing this posture on a regular basis can help you work up to doing the triangle pose.


Stand up straight with the feet wide apart. Turn your right toes out and turn your left foot in slightly so the heel sticks out. Keep your hips straight and do not twist the hips as you turn the feet. Your hips should be facing forward and the right foot should be turned out to the side.

Bring the arms up to shoulder height with the palms facing the floor. Keep the left leg straight.

Bend the right knee as far as you can but do not let the knee extend out over the right ankle. You should be able to look down and see your right toes. Take a wider stance if needed.

Bend to the right and bring your right forearm onto your right thigh. Extend your left arm straight up with the palm facing forward. Look up at your left hand.

Hold the pose for five to 10 deep breaths. Focus on keeping the left knee straight but not locked, and work to rotate the bottom hip forward and the top shoulder back.

Release out slowly and with control. Repeat on the other side.

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